PhyML Invos

Hi, I'm Hasham Akram, a Data Scientist and ML Engineer.

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About Me

Hi, I'm a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer with a strong foundation in Physics and Data Science. My work experience
includes internships and apprenticeships in science, where I have successfully applied my skills to solve real-world problems.
My passion lies in exploring the connections between physics and AI, developing innovative models and solutions. Additionally,
My future goals include leveraging my expertise in data science, machine learning, and deep learning to drive innovation and
actionable insights in the astrophysical and celestial realm, while continuously expanding my skill set and contributing to
impactful projects. I enjoy sharing my knowledge through my blog and collaborative projects, engaging with others who share my
passion for science and technology.

Feel free to connect


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Translation App Using Seq2Seq Attention PyTorch Model

an English-to-Urdu translation application built using a Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) model with Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) and Bahdanau Attention mechanism.

Next Word Prediction Model

This project aims to develop a Next Word Prediction Model using stacked Bidirectiona LSTMs and GRU to enhance text input efficiency and user experience.

Wheat Crop Detection using RCNN

This project implements a Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) model for detecting wheat crops in images. The model is designed to assist in agricultural monitoring, enabling farmers and researchers to assess crop health and density efficiently.

Fake News Detection System

Developed a machine learning model to detect fake news using various machine learning algorithm, achieving an accuracy of more than 92%. The system is trained on a dataset of news articles that have been preprocessed and count vectorized.

End to End Chicken Disease Classification

This project implements a web application for classifying chicken diseases using deep learning image recognition. The application leverages Keras' pre-trained VGG-16 model built upon TensorFlow to achieve high accuracy in disease detection.

Energy Efficiency Prediction Model

Developed a machine learning model to predict Energy Efficiency for an Indusrial company, achieving an accuracy of 92%. The project involved data cleaning, feature engineering, model training, and deployment using Flask and Docker.


Understanding Transformers

Seq2seq Models

Tracing the AI Revolution from RNN to GPT-3

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Understanding Physics-informed Neural Networks

Understanding Physics-informed Neural Networks

An introductory guide to PINNs, a regularization technique incorporating ODs/PDEs as physical laws for better Convergance toward optimal solution.

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A machine learning revolution in science - PINNs

A machine learning revolution in science - PINNs

So, what is a physics-informed neural network? A great Source of SciML is here.

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Certification 4 Image

Deep Learning Specialization

Description of the certification.

Certification 5 Image

Machine Learning Specialization

Description of the certification.

Certification 6 Image

AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery

Explored astronomical technologies and scientific methods.

Certification 1 Image

Machine Learning Engineer at CodeSoft

Developed and Deployed ML models:
Churn Prediction Model
SMS/Email Spam Classification Model
Fraudulent Transaction Prediction Model

Certification 2 Image

Data Scientist at

End-to-End Structural Energy Efficiency prediction Modelling and Evaluation

Certification 3 Image

Data-Driven Astronomy

Learned data analysis techniques for astronomical research.
